
Monday, July 30, 2007


OK, how about this?

Why'm I full of glee,
Mirth and joy—
Gladdest employee
You employ?
Wherefore my elation?
What's the explanation?
Why does Work, for me,
Never cloy?

Sometimes, I'm busy
(Let's just say I'm busy)—
You interfere,
Doughnut Boy.

You interrupt me.
Why you interrupt me?
Don't—there's a dear
Doughnut Boy.

You're quite the cut-up
When folks want to work.
Sit down and shut up
And don't be such a jerk.

(O GOD!! I wish I was lonely—
Really, truly lonely.)
But—whom have we here?
Doughnut Boy!!

Lyric © 2007 Nathaniel DesH. Petrikov

Why does Work, for me still needs work.


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